Friday 29 August 2014

Summer Holidays

Hello again Everyone!
Almost time to go back to school.  Griff can't wait.  He's really missed all the fuss and attention from staff and pupils.
Griff has had a busy summer.
He has been to Milton Keynes to see Monica,  his puppy walker,  and her family and had the chance to run in the park with his old friends.

Here is Griff with Monica,  Edi and Irene at the field.

Then meeting up with old friends, Zinzan, Tag and Bruno.  A lovely run round the field was followed by a rest in the shade with Monica.

Thank you for inviting us!

Thursday 7 August 2014


I know,  we've been missing for ages,  sorry...
However Tess is even more missing... So please share

6th August - An Update - Is Guide Dogs offering a reward for Tess?

Guide Dogs is not offering a reward for Tess and discourages anyone else from doing so.

While we are doing all we can to find Tess, and are greatly appreciative of the fantastic public response we have had, we do not want to encourage financial rewards for the return of missing guide dogs as we do not want to put guide dog owners in a potentially vulnerable position.

A guide dog is the key to the outside world for a guide dog owner and we continue to urge anyone with information on Tess to contact Guide Dogs on 0800 68 88 409.

Please help us find Tess, the missing guide dog

Thousands of Guide Dogs volunteers and supporters have joined our appeal to help find missing guide dog Tess.

The six-year-old black curly coated retriever went missing while on a free run with her owner in Nairn, a seaside town about 16 miles east of Inverness, Scotland.

Please help by sharing this poster. You can also find a PDF link on our website to download
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